I got a call this morning saying the direct trains from London to Avignon where available. This is our preferred choice of transport as we planned to get the direct train on the Saturday, have Sunday to relax (pace up and down nervously), ride on Monday and then get the train back on Tuesday.
However, while we can book the train down there, the train back isn't direct (the direct train only goes on Saturday) and doesn't go on sale until April. This isn't great as we don't want to wait until April to sort out our transport. Also, I looked at the price of a one way trip to Avignon on the 18th July and its £200 per person which is too expensive.
So, plan B. We are driving. I'll have too sweet talk my sister-in-law so I can borrow their family car as I can't see three bikes, three people and a load of gear fitting into my Renault Clio and neither Ed or Clive have cars. Or we can rent a car for four days. I've booked our Eurostar crossing which was a bargain at £100.
The Best Triathlon In The World?
A headline in Tri 247 caught my eye the other day: “British Race Is Voted
Best Triathlon In The World.” That’s a big claim. It then added that this
was on ...
5 days ago