Well, an altogether appalling week. Monday and Tuesday brought heavy snow down in London which prevented me from going out. My only alternative was the turbo trainer but I had left my bike at my sister-in-laws after the Ashdown and I couldn't go and get it.
When I could finally drive to Bromley to pick it up, I had caught a cold and had a hacking cough - that will teach me for cycling in the snow. I just didn't think it was wise to go out and do anything that could make it worse. So that was nothing for 5 days.
By the weekend, my cold was showing no signs of going so I decided to do some exercise and sweat it out. My wife was away at a spa for the weekend so I couldn't do much. The kids have Stagecoach on Saturday so I had a one hour window which I used to have a run. I ran fast but it was much harder than it should have been.
"Don't train when you are unwell" is what all the running and cycling magazines say. They are right. Sunday night saw a basic, drippy nose cold turn into a chesty, green, nasty thing that kept me awake. So Sunday was spent mooching around, feeling sorry for myself. A week to forget.
2024 In Numbers
2024 is done, banished to the record books. Destined to become a hazy
memory. My season review already picked out the meaty bits (relatively thin
gruel) ...
2 weeks ago
Simon, i'm loving following your blog, good inspiration and I'm impressed with your ashdown performance! hope the cold has gone and good luck for this week! ally
Glad you are enjoying the blog Ally. Weird to think people read it. I started it just to have a record of my training.
I guess you ride. Are you training for anything particular? Do you have a blog? Simon.
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